Rally Against Debt
Let your reasonable, informed, intelligent voice be heard in London starting at 11.00am on Saturday 14 May in this sensible gathering that asks the government to act firmly on the […]
Let your reasonable, informed, intelligent voice be heard in London starting at 11.00am on Saturday 14 May in this sensible gathering that asks the government to act firmly on the […]
This morning on the Radio 4 Today programme Ed Milliband was questioned with some thoroughness by Evan Davis and you could almost hear the collective jaws of the nation hitting […]
Currently in Britain we have around a million NEETs (youths not in education, employment or training) which are a direct result of our education system failing to prepare these people […]
So Colonel Gaddafi has lost, it is just a matter of time to his departure day. Militarily the ground forces against him are singularly unimpressive and fire most of their […]
It is pretty uncivilised that unliberated, Victorian, repressive and prudish legislation is still enforced in this country, whilst in more enlightened countries with the legacy of our legal code, like […]
Firstly they are against “cuts”. What alternatives are there for the government? Borrow even more money and throw it away in profligate spending like Gordon Brown did? How much debt […]
The BBC is currently obsessing about petrol prices, they obviously see it as a way of having a go at George Osborne. So let’s look at what is behind this. […]
The best budget, by a huge margin, for something like 14 years, and maybe much longer. A tour de force. With no manoeuvre room due to the immense economic hole […]
The NHS consists of medical staff such as doctors, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists etc who look after their patients. It also requires managers who allocate resources. Being as this is a […]
Some people try and make out that New Labour was not socialist, mainly because they didn’t nationalise everything in sight. But the reality is that this is just about the […]
In the West the media focus is on Libya because our forces are involved so that is where all the press assets are engaged. Meanwhile there are ongoing civil uprisings […]
Thus far, militarily, this has been a perfect campaign. The alliance have acted in a measured and restrained manner to implement the UN resolution to the letter, they are implementing […]