Just how doomed is the Euro?
So the European Union is considering the terms for lending Greece yet another massive tranche of money. The most that they can possibly succeed in doing is to delay the […]
So the European Union is considering the terms for lending Greece yet another massive tranche of money. The most that they can possibly succeed in doing is to delay the […]
So now Ken Clarke’s much needed and very well thought out penal reforms are going to be watered down, the latest in a series of government moves that, whilst not […]
The standards of free speech in Britain are abysmally low, worse than in most dictatorships. London is the libel capital of the world and the nefarious rich abuse the system […]
Firstly a small recap. The last Labour governments, under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, lost control of spending and in an unprecedented inept profligate splurge wasted hundreds of billions of […]
So the people of Greece are enjoying their strikes and their demonstrations just as they enjoyed the good life when they were spending very many billions of other people’s money. […]
Ed Balls is having a torrid time at the moment, his ridiculous economic ideas had cold water poured on them by the IMF, highly incriminating papers got into the hands […]
Everyone knows by now just how despicable the Al Khalifa dictatorship in Bahrain is, they torture and kill their own citizens and deny them basic human rights. Everyone also knows […]
So inflation remains at 4.5% (or 5.2% if you take retain price inflation), more than double the 2% target that the government is supposed to work to. Without drops in […]
Anyone who lived through the three day week and the winter of discontent knows just how evil the unions are, they have massively damaged this country. Fortunately, due to the […]
The NHS is woefully inefficient and not all that good at what it does, it needs radical reform firstly to give people good medicine and secondly to give taxpayers value […]
By now we are used to see him on the TV news as a fixture of this Arab Spring. Telling lies and trying to justify the despicable Gaddafi regime, he […]
At a summit in London, where the world is being asked to donate an extra $3.7 billion by 2015 for child vaccines, the Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunisation is […]