George Osborne MP, pictured speaking on the launch of the Conservative Party manifesto for the 2009 European Parliament elections, at Keele University.

Thus far George Osborne has done an exemplary job, just about faultless. He has slowed down the vicious downwards spiral into oblivion which Labour had us engaged on to the […]

Boeing E-3 Sentry is an American military airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft based on the Boeing 707 that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications.

Last night’s UN resolution is a major political triumph for David Cameron, it is he that first floated the no fly zone idea, he has stuck to his guns through […]

We need nuclear power

Currently nuclear power is in the news because of an incident in a Japanese nuclear power station that was subject to earthquake forces that were many times what it was […]

Are we going to let Gaddafi win?

At the moment, on the ground, Gaddafi is winning in Libya and is systematically crushing the revolt, aided enormously be the actions and inactions of the West. Firstly why is […]

Yes Minister in the Prime Minister's offices at 10 Downing Street

The first ever cabinet secretary, Maurice Hankey, totally transformed the way that British government worked during the dark days of WW1. His work and skills made winning the war possible […]

Tobacco marketing

The British government is acting to reduce tobacco consumption by getting rid of point of sale (POS) displays and brand packaging. Well done, more small steps towards making the consumption […]

Hamid Mir interviewing Osama bin Laden for Daily Pakistan in 1997 behind them on the wall is an AK-74 carbine.

Afghanistan is a total mess and we should bring out every British service person today. We are paying billions to support a highly corrupt government and to finance an economy […]

Very silly website

So some of the usual suspects from the left (who have damaged Britain so much in the past) have created this activist website that wants to return to the profligacy […]

Public sector pensions

Here we have something totally unsustainable, that is broken very badly indeed and desperately needs to be fixed and, as ever, the unions are in total denial. The new coalition […]

Economics is the only field in which two people can share a Nobel Prize for saying opposing things. Mark Blyth is a faculty fellow at the Watson Institute, professor of […]

The dead hand of the state

It has been proven time and time again that the state is not very good at owning things or running things and that the market does it much better. This […]