Brown and Balls (not the banks) trashed the economy
As we all know the UK economy suffered a huge 7.2% recession Q2-2008 until Q3-2009. This was caused by Gordon Brown’s mismanagement of the economy. Aided and abetted by Ed Balls. His […]
As we all know the UK economy suffered a huge 7.2% recession Q2-2008 until Q3-2009. This was caused by Gordon Brown’s mismanagement of the economy. Aided and abetted by Ed Balls. His […]
France has a socialist President called Francois Hollande and Ed Miliband is a big member of his fan club. Ed wants to do for Great Britain what Francois has done for […]
Let’s start with an irrefutable FACT: Labour governments have always trashed the British economy. From Attlee’s sterling crisis through Wilson’s devaluation and Brown’s huge 7% recession. And they always will […]
Political Correctness is when someone thinks that their view on a topic is the correct one and that you are wrong. So they try and force their view using a […]
The BBC has two main sources of funding, a hypothecated tax called the license fee and the proceeds of commercial operations such as selling books and magazines, selling programmes overseas […]
You might think that you can sleep more soundly because of our intelligence services. That they are out there snooping on all the nasty Jihadists and Putinites. And you would […]
This particular election is enlivened by an alphabet soup of parties who are going to get through a fortune in lost deposits. One hopes the financial damage will reduce their […]
There are many reasons not to vote UKIP. That they are the most corrupt political party in Britain, that their politicians and members are often nasty racists and ignorant bigots, […]
An MPs job is unique in that they have two places of work, Westminster and their constituency. So most of them need two homes and to travel between them a […]
Most people don’t know this, the mainstream media don’t report it, and you will be shocked to discover it. President Bush and Prime Minister Blair illegally invaded Iraq in March […]
I receive Ed Vaizey‘s regular newsletters and is astonishing how much good work he does. So I thought that I would bring the latest one to a larger audience: Budget […]
So the general election is on Thursday 7th May. Obviously, for the good of Great Britain, we need an overall Conservative majority. Use these memes on social media to help […]