Brexit. Democracy under threat
The above graph is taken from the Facts4EU website, a great reference if you want the truth, instead of the Bremoan propaganda of the BBC, the Financial Times and the […]
The above graph is taken from the Facts4EU website, a great reference if you want the truth, instead of the Bremoan propaganda of the BBC, the Financial Times and the […]
Surely the defining element of the 2016 POTUS election was the way the mainstream media lost the plot. Even previously highly respected newspapers and TV programs resorted to a continuous […]
Currently we are seeing riots from the ironically named Democrats because they lost the US Presidential election. Similar left wing loser riots followed the Conservative General Election victory in the […]
We British give 0.7% of our national income away to other countries, out of sheer generosity and because we have no need of the money ourselves. The amount is vast, […]
Because the remain campaign had no good reasons why we should stay in the EU they resorted to Project Fear instead. Telling us a pack of lies to try and […]
As you can see above the British people were told, in no uncertain manner, that they could vote to take us out of the EU. So they did and now […]
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, and intentions to animals. This is why Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the World Wildlife Fund and all the eco warriors put […]
Today we have the news that the government is approving a third runway at Heathrow. The existing two runways ran out of capacity in 1977, so the new runway will […]
So much noise is made about the Single Market that commentators forget that the EU forces us to be part of something much worse and much bigger. A Customs Union. […]
The Jews are an amazing people. They have been awarded 185 Nobel Prizes, more than 21% of the total, although Jews  comprise less than 0.2% of the world’s population. Winners include Albert […]
You will be seeing a lot of discussion in the media at the moment about “Soft Brexit” and “Hard Brexit”. Please ignore it, this is just another attempt by the […]
For many decades now Scotland’s biggest export has been people. The brightest and best bailing out so that they can make a better life in places less afflicted with the […]