Heathrow Airport must be closed immediately
This is what your government and the mainstream press aren’t telling you about the particles in the air that killing us: The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health […]
This is what your government and the mainstream press aren’t telling you about the particles in the air that killing us: The International Agency for Research on Cancer and the World Health […]
Whatever happens in the EU referendum UKIP will go from strength to strength, it could well become one of the two major parties in Britain. This article explains how and […]
Usually the left in Britain just want to destroy our economy with their grey, dystopian vision of regressive SJWism. This makes them both immoral and evil. But now they are […]
The Balfour declaration of 1917, as we were taught at school, promised a homeland to the Jews, and eventually resulted in this happening. The only country in the world defined […]
(Throughout the article click on highlighted text to see further analysis) The recent elections were very broad in their scope, 2 Parliamentary by-elections, London and Bristol Mayors, a huge swathe […]
It is amazing how so many people treat the NHS as if it is some religion to be worshiped, rather than the 3rd world quality consumer service that it is. […]
It is utterly amazing how often Labour politicians, lefties on the social media and the leftie media, such as the BBC, tell utter, complete, outrageous fabrications about Margaret Thatcher. The […]
Ken Livingstone is obnoxious, the sort of nasty champagne socialist who has caused immense damage to Great Britain. But this is no good reason to suspend him from the Labour […]
Just now the virtue signalling lefty press and the social media SJWs are indulging in an orgy of hypocrisy. They are disguising their bitter envy of people who are more […]
It is utterly sickening that two of the greatest ever writers of English literature, William Somerset Maugham and Joseph Rudyard Kipling have become non persons, cast into oblivion by the politically correct […]
Free speech is the most important human right we have, without it we are just slaves. So it is an absolute, even when it offends and upsets others. Yet some […]
The Burqa is not an Islamic garment, it is not directly refereed to in the Koran or the main Islamic teachings. It is just a primitive tribal garment which has […]