Celebrity sex assault hysteria

In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein allegations it has become all the fashion for celebrities (and nonentities too) to play the victim card. It is a new form of […]

North Korea, all the explanations

North Korea (PRNK) is a Communist country, which means that it is really a feudal monarchy, with the Kim family having absolute power, living in incredible luxury. Through three generations […]

Strikes should be illegal

At its very simplest an employee contracts to provide their labour in return for a remuneration package. If that employee then withdraws their labour then they are in gross breach […]

Silicon Valley has real problems

William Shockley, a scientist at Bell Labs with a Nobel Prize for physics, who co-invented the transistor, decided to live closer to his mother’s house in Palo Alto California because she […]

More on Common Purpose

Whilst researching Common Purpose I came across a number of separate, useful resources that support what I wrote, and as you can see from the comments on that article the […]

Jeremy Corbyn = Serial Liar

I have said many times that socialists always lie, because if they told the truth nobody would vote for them. This applies just as much to Jeremy Corbyn as it […]

The Deep State

When you vote at an election you may think that you are wielding power and deciding the nation’s future. Don’t be deluded. There are small elites out there who run […]