A huge meteorite has landed right in the middle of this election campaign and most people have not noticed. Boris has abandoned his modified Theresa May deal with the EU and has reverted back to the Canada deal that he has always preferred. It is because Boris has done this that The Brexit Party have withdrawn their candidates from Conservative seats.
When Boris walked out of Theresa May’s cabinet it was because she rejected Canada in favour of her own surrender agreement. So this is a big deal for Boris. It is what he always thought was the best solution. Even the EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, has said that he wants a Canada deal with the UK.

So what is this Canada deal thing then? Basically it seeks for the UK to have a similar deal with the EU to the deal already negotiated by Canada known as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). The modified UK version is called Canada+ or Canada++ or Super Canada.

CETA negotiations between the EU and Canada started in 2009 and it was signed in 2017. So it took 8 years of discussion to sort it out. The great advantage to the UK is that this work has already been done, so we can use it as a template. And if the EU were happy to do this deal with Canada then why not with the UK?
Rather than go through all the provisions of CETA here you can see the Wiki for it HERE (click), vast amounts of information on the EU website HERE and the UK government information is HERE.
We Voted Leave no mention of Deals, so we want NO ties with EU so leave with NO DEAL CLEAN CUT, THAT’S THE ONLY WAY WE CAN BE FREE OF THE EU