Sunbathing in the Park is Good
The British police have, famously, become Stasi like during the lockdown. With petty enforcement that goes well beyond the actual law. One thing they are especially keen to stop is […]
The British police have, famously, become Stasi like during the lockdown. With petty enforcement that goes well beyond the actual law. One thing they are especially keen to stop is […]
Nearly three million people have now become ill with CV19 and approaching 200,000 of them have died with it (not of it). So scientists are beginning to understand it. And […]
The lockdowns currently imposed on us are far more damaging, in every way, than COVID-19 itself is. What our governments have done can be compared with amputating a leg to […]
The two top epidemiological statistical teams working on Chinese Virus in the UK are Imperial/Ferguson and Oxford/Gupta. Imperial said that quarter of a million of us were going to die, […]
Chinese Virus, CORVID-19, was at first called “novel coronavirus”. Because nothing like it had been seen before. So we knew nothing about it. And we are still learning. What was […]
The Chinese Virus, COVID-19, is incredibly contagious, it is also remarkably mild. It is clear now that the vast majority of people who catch it don’t even know that they […]
The UK population is about 68 million people. Currently the government expect about 20,000 to die from Chinese Coronavirus. The vast majority of these will be people with existing serious […]
Right now in the UK there are 460 CONFIRMED cases of Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID-19, for each of these there are several other (or even many) unconfirmed, mild or symptom free […]
The last week has been very useful for the planet in our governments’ policies and attitudes towards this disease and in our scientific and medical understanding . So let’s summarise […]
The world is committed to Zero Net Carbon by 2050. Your politicians have done this to you without consulting you or explaining what it means. In Scotland the date has […]
As the facts emerge from how this disease performs in our population there is good news and there is bad news. The disease is incredibly ageist. Nearly everyone it kills […]
Some people look at the number, 43,138, of confirmed cases and then at the number, 1,018, who have died and say that the death rate for this disease is 1 […]