Greta Thunberg, The Memes #2
For the first compilation of Greta memes click HERE. If you wrote it in a novel nobody would believe it. A clearly deranged and uneducated child who admits that she […]
For the first compilation of Greta memes click HERE. If you wrote it in a novel nobody would believe it. A clearly deranged and uneducated child who admits that she […]
Today’s totals 427 deaths, 669 completely recovered. Victims in 28 countries. The disease is no longer exponential, deaths were doubling every two days. But the daily number of deaths is […]
There are fake news stories circulating that CO2 levels in our atmosphere (remember these are just a tiny 400 parts per million) is dissolving in sea water to make acid, […]
Rowling says that she is a socialist, which isn’t a very good thing at all. Because socialism occupies the moral low ground, its two main foundations are the punishment of […]
2019-nCoV is the greatest threat humanity has faced for some time. Here’s why: The disease shows no symptoms for up to the first two weeks of infection. During this time […]
We are currently enjoying a warm period in our climate, caused by natural cycles in the activity of the sun and in the orbit of our planet. During the Roman […]
Currently we eat chicken that is produced to EU food safety and hygiene regulations. (Just as they control most of our lives). So it sometimes contains Salmonella and sometimes Campylobacter […]
There have been a number of partial extinctions of we humans within the written historical record. The Black Death of 1347-51 killed about a quarter of the Earth’s population. The […]
The climate on this planet has always had warm periods and cold periods, there is no “normal” temperature. Warm periods include the Minoan, the Roman, the Medieval and the Modern, […]
This blog accurately predicted that Meghan Windsor would cause a constitutional crisis and why she would do this (click HERE to see that article). Now it is happening. They say […]