1) If Scotland joined the EU after Brexit and ScotRef2 then it would not be independent. It would be a vassal of the EU Empire, taking orders from foreigners in Brussels.
2) All 5.5 million Scots now receives a £2K annual charity payout from English taxpayer. Half the total UK budget deficit. The EU will not pay this. They would not even be able to afford to after the UK stops contributing to the EU budget. The Scottish people would be incredibly poor after “independence”. To see GERS click HERE.

3) Scotland receives a disproportionate % of UK government administrative spending (in addition to Scottish government spending). 8 UK civil servants per 1,000 population (the highest outside London) plus huge defence spending. Rosyth, Coulport, Faslane, RM Condor, Lossiemouth, Kinloss + many army barracks and training bases. Losing these will cause large scale unemployment and economic damage.
4) Two thirds of Scotland’s exports go to the rest of the UK but just 15% go to other EU countries.
5) The SNP run education, policing and health in Scotland. They run all three very badly indeed. Really, really badly. On this alone nobody should vote for them.
6) William Gladstone, Henry Campbell Bannerman, Herbert Henry Asquith, Andrew Bonar Law, Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Gordon Brown were all UK Prime Ministers who represented Scottish constituencies. Countless more Scots have been UK government ministers. Voting SNP has taken this power and influence away. The exact opposite of what Sturgeon promised.
7) The SNP have a long history of corruption and sleaze. I wrote about this previously (click HERE). The Alex Salmond serial sex pest trial will be fun.
8) Jeane Freeman, MSP cabinet member in charge of health and sport was an active Communist. Derek Mackay, in charge of Scottish finances has minimum education and no qualifications. The results that they achieve in running Scotland are hardly surprising really.
Like I said, SNP voters are a special sort of stupid. And the UK is also very stupid to want to remain united to an ungrateful, expensive, whingy Scotland.

IFS on GERS. More Facts: https://www.ifs.org.uk/publications/13287
Although I agree that the SNP’s globalist dreams of leaving the the UK to join the EU is a special kind of stupid, using financial figures to claim that Scotland is somehow a dependent recipient of English generosity is false. Real wealth is resources. Scotlands resourses per capita is much higher than England or even Wales.
Modern debt-based money is fabricated and destroyed on banks keyboards (now accounting for 98% of the entire UK money supply).
Claiming that the wealth producing parts of Britain are somehow dependent of the extractive debt-producing part of the UK (The City of London and its hinterland) is placing the word upside down.
Financially, we have all been made to be dependent on London. If we weren’t, Londoners would starve and the city would collapse. Think about that.
Simon, it is strange how Singapore is so massively rich, with no resources. Whereas Venezuela, with the world’s largest oil reserves, is grindingly poor.
The problem for Scotland is that they don’t have very much that anyone wants.
I don’t know, but this is pretty awesome news and I say that as some one who isn’t a big SNP fan….
Period poverty: MSPs back plans for free sanitary products
25 February 2020 Scotland politics
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Image copyrightPA MEDIAsanitary products
MSPs have backed the principle of tackling period poverty by making sanitary products available to all free of charge.
All parties backed a bill put forward by Labour’s Monica Lennon in its first test in the Holyrood chamber.
However some warned there was a “huge amount of work to do” to amend the bill to make it deliverable and affordable.
Ministers had originally opposed the plans but changed their position after coming under pressure from campaigners.
The government is expected to put forward a raft of amendments to address their “significant” concerns about the legislation, including the estimated £24m annual cost of implementing it.
Look back on the debate with Holyrood Live
Ministers to back Scots period poverty legislation no
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The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill would create a legal duty on the Scottish government to ensure that period products are available free of charge “for anyone who needs them”.
Ms Lennon said she was “thrilled” to have support “from right across civic Scotland, from girl guides, trade unions, anti-poverty charities and many individuals who have had their own lived experience of period poverty and know what it is like not to have access to products when they need them”.
She told MSPs that “access to period products should be a right and available to all”, and pledged to work with other parties to make sure the proposals are deliverable.
Labour MSP Monica Lennon
Image captionThe legislation has been brought forward by Labour MSP Monica Lennon
Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said the proposed costs of the scheme had been dramatically underestimated, saying it would take “a whole lot of hard work and endeavour to make sure we can get something that is fit for purpose”.
She added: “Parliament will now need to pull out all the stops and work hard collectively and collaboratively.”
This was echoed by Tory MSP Graham Simpson, who said there was a “huge amount of work to do” to knock the bill into shape.
At present tampons, pads and some reusable products are funded in schools, colleges and universities.
The Scottish government provided £5.2m funding to support this. Another £4m was made available to councils so the roll-out could be expanded to other other public places, and another £50,000 for free provision in sports clubs.
Tackling period poverty in schools
Schoolgirls Caitlin, Xena and Amy
Image caption(Left to right) Caitlin, Xena and Amy are pupils at St Paul’s High School in Glasgow.
At St Paul’s High School in Glasgow, there is a scheme where older pupils have been trained to talk to girls in S1 about periods and period poverty.
“Period poverty means that girls can’t afford to buy period products,” one pupil, Caitlin, told BBC Scotland.
With average periods lasting about five days, it can cost up to £8 a month for tampons and pads.
Xena said the expense meant some girls have to use items like tissues or socks instead.
“This means that some girls are feart to come to school and don’t want to leave the house at all,” said another pupil, Amy.
Like all schools in Scotland , free period products have been available in the toilets at St Paul’s High School since the 2018/19 academic year.
The move came after a survey of more than 2,000 people by Young Scot found that about one in four respondents at school, college or university in Scotland had struggled to access period products.
Meanwhile about 12% of respondents to research by Plan International said they have had to “improvise sanitary wear”.
“It’s a right that every woman should have that they should be able to access free sanitary products,” Amy said.
“It’s not like it is a luxury item or anything. We need them.”