ISIS are very misunderstood
I have already written here about what ISIS is and where they came from, so will try not to cover the same ground twice. ISIS/ISIL, variously known as Islamic State in […]
I have already written here about what ISIS is and where they came from, so will try not to cover the same ground twice. ISIS/ISIL, variously known as Islamic State in […]
My economic politics are quite libertarian; Mises, Rothbard and Hayek. Minarchist is the closest you will get to it in one word. The belief that everything the state does it […]
There seem to be two sorts of child abuse prevalent in Britain, that by freemasons, which is centered on children’s homes, with mainly very young boys as victims and that […]
When you first learn economics you are taught the basic laws of supply and demand. How there is more supply as things become more expensive. It is what has driven […]
It is too early yet to tell how the UKIP MEPs elected this year will turn out. However we can take a look at the 13 MEPs that UKIP sent […]
Increasingly, on the social media, the better informed people are drawing analogies between Zionism and Nazis, between Hitler and Netanyahu, in what must be the biggest ongoing Godwin of all […]
Get a dictionary and look up Concentration Camp and you will see that it accurately describes Gaza today, then look up Genocide and you will see that it accurately describes […]
I wrote this article at the beginning of last year on my personal Bruce Everiss blog. I am posting it here because, with the General Election approaching, this is a […]
You may have noticed that in recent weeks one of the world’s most advanced military machines has been relentlessly attacking the civilian population of Gaza. There has been no pretence […]
Firstly let’s get a definition out of the way. The word “equality” gets bandied around a lot, indiscriminately, and with little thought. In our society there are two main sorts […]
For thousand of years humanity has advanced, we have become vastly richer and enjoy ever better life quality. Even major calamities like wars, epidemics and natural disasters are quickly overcome. […]
The huge success of Homo Sapiens as a species derives largely from us being social animals. However any society needs rules in order to function and that implies some sort […]