
Nick Clegg, George Osborne, David Cameron on front bench

The best budget, by a huge margin, for something like 14 years, and maybe much longer. A tour de force. With no manoeuvre room due to the immense economic hole […]

Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.

Some people try and make out that New Labour was not socialist, mainly because they didn’t nationalise everything in sight. But the reality is that this is just about the […]

A U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit "Stealth" bomber, 393rd Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, 509th Bomb Wing, Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo.

Thus far, militarily, this has been a perfect campaign. The alliance have acted in a measured and restrained manner to implement the UN resolution to the letter, they are implementing […]

Two dictators, one Libyan and one Russian, walk together

Yesterday Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in a typical piece of silly, misguided, macho posturing, said that the UN intervention in Libya was analogous to a “mediaeval call for crusades”. Just how […]

Imam Ali Mosque - Shrine of: 1st Shia Imam - Ali ibn Abi Talib; Prophet Adam; Prophet Nuh. (Najaf, Iraq)

Islam is divided into two main denominations, Shia and Sunni, these are fundamentally doctrinally irreconcilable and have a very long history of not liking each other very much. Sunni are […]

George Osborne MP, pictured speaking on the launch of the Conservative Party manifesto for the 2009 European Parliament elections, at Keele University.

Thus far George Osborne has done an exemplary job, just about faultless. He has slowed down the vicious downwards spiral into oblivion which Labour had us engaged on to the […]

Boeing E-3 Sentry is an American military airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft based on the Boeing 707 that provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications.

Last night’s UN resolution is a major political triumph for David Cameron, it is he that first floated the no fly zone idea, he has stuck to his guns through […]

We need nuclear power

Currently nuclear power is in the news because of an incident in a Japanese nuclear power station that was subject to earthquake forces that were many times what it was […]

Are we going to let Gaddafi win?

At the moment, on the ground, Gaddafi is winning in Libya and is systematically crushing the revolt, aided enormously be the actions and inactions of the West. Firstly why is […]