Why All Major UK Political Parties are Left Wing
The Conservatives and Labour are trying to park their tanks on each other’s lawns. Fighting for the left of centre, where the LibDems and SNP also abide. All socialists. This […]
The Conservatives and Labour are trying to park their tanks on each other’s lawns. Fighting for the left of centre, where the LibDems and SNP also abide. All socialists. This […]
Military forces need to train as realistically as possible. In 1871 Helmuth von Moltke said that no plan survives first contact with the enemy, so it is normal to fight […]
Once upon a time Boris Johnson had sensible, well formed, science based views on climate. But now he has gone over to the dark side of the pseudoscience warmists and […]
Wikipedia says: “Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to inherited attributes and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, […]
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is plant food. They use it to make proteins carbohydrates and fats that are eaten by animals, including us. They are what we are made of. So […]
The British Empire was based on trade, not plunder, unlike many other empires. We arrived at places that had not invented the wheel and we left them with universities, hospitals […]
Currently it is very on trend for entertainers such as soccer players, F1 drivers, singers and actors to virtue gesture by preaching to us about woke politics. They are the […]
Science (from Latin scientia ‘knowledge’) is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. We owe the modern world and our quality of life to science. It has sorted out truth from […]
It looks like we are headed into a Grand Solar minimum, a cyclical event of greatly reduces sunspot activity. We had one between 1645 and 1710, called the Maunder Minimum, […]
Liz Truss was born in 1975, in Oxford, into a hard left wing family. As a child they took her to street protests. Many who started life with this disadvantage […]
For the first compilation of Greta memes click HERE. If you wrote it in a novel nobody would believe it. A clearly deranged and uneducated child who admits that she […]
1) If Scotland joined the EU after Brexit and ScotRef2 then it would not be independent. It would be a vassal of the EU Empire, taking orders from foreigners in […]