There is no right wing in British politics
Debate with a Corbynista on social media and pretty soon they are losing, they have no answers to the facts. So very quickly they resort to name calling, some favourites […]
Debate with a Corbynista on social media and pretty soon they are losing, they have no answers to the facts. So very quickly they resort to name calling, some favourites […]
Being a secret society, like the mafia and the freemasons, it is difficult to get to the truth about Common Purpose. So when they are brainwashing 13 year old children […]
Whilst researching Common Purpose I came across a number of separate, useful resources that support what I wrote, and as you can see from the comments on that article the […]
Most people reading this will never have heard of Common Purpose, this is because, just like the freemasons and the mafia, it is a secret society. One way they create […]
Here are 10 very obvious and very straightforward “rules” that, were they observed, would make society a whole lot better for everyone. This is just a quick first draft, so […]
Currently we are seeing riots from the ironically named Democrats because they lost the US Presidential election. Similar left wing loser riots followed the Conservative General Election victory in the […]
The Jews are an amazing people. They have been awarded 185 Nobel Prizes, more than 21% of the total, although Jews  comprise less than 0.2% of the world’s population. Winners include Albert […]
Margaret Thatcher must be spinning in her grave at the current, disgusting, state of British politics. It no longer represents the voters, the politicians of all parties knowingly don’t take […]
In many countries of the world these days people are finding that they have become dead, without any due legal process, because they are inconvenient to the state. Turkey, Egypt […]
Since Margaret Thatcher resigned Great Britain has been badly led and sometimes very badly led, as when Gordon Brown was in charge. This great video gives a great idea of […]
Just when all the political classes normally take their annual two month break they are having exactly what they don’t want. A leadership contest. All ballots must be returned by […]
As this blog as pointed out before, Labour are the true nasty party in Britain (click highlighted text to see article). Here are some images to further demonstrate what delightful, […]