Religion. The memes
Last year we let a million intolerant followers of a barbaric religion into Europe, this year it will probably be three million. Europe has a liberal secular society with largely […]
Last year we let a million intolerant followers of a barbaric religion into Europe, this year it will probably be three million. Europe has a liberal secular society with largely […]
Firstly many people don’t actually know what a junior doctor is. They think that they are doctors who are not senior. In fact they are doctors who are still being […]
A home is somewhere for a family to live, so it should be affordable within the wages that most people earn. This is obviously not true in the UK today. […]
The upcoming London Mayoral election, on 5th May 2016, is Hobson’s Choice with no candidate that a reasonable person could vote for. Zac Goldsmith is a Zionist who believes:Â “We ought […]
Modern day socialists hate to be reminded that Hitler was one of them. The very word Nazi means National Socialist Workers Party and they described their creed as “der echte […]
Look at the above graph and you can see how wealth inequality has tumbled down. This is largely down to the huge growth in the middle class and to punishing […]
We have a Muslim problem in the UK. Lack of tolerance, crime, terrorism, segregation, mistreatment of women, Jihad, Sharia law, education by bigoted brainwashing and much more. It is a […]
There is no doubt that over history and especially today the religion of Islam has been a cancer on humanity. Let’s take a look at some facts: The first crusade […]
According to the lies we are fed by our politicians and press the vast majority of Muslims are normal civilised people just like you and me and it is only […]
It is obvious and common knowledge that there is a huge political gulf between Jeremy Corbyn and his cronies, who are uncompromising extremist lefties, and the vast majority of Labour […]
Above you can see Milo Moire, a Swiss artist, who performed a naked protest in the square in Cologne where the new year’s eve attacks happened, with a sign reading; […]
Islam is a primitive tribal religion that originated in the deserts of what is now Saudi Arabia. The religion’s attitude to women is not that they are even second class […]