Britain is Being Invaded
Every day hordes of illegal economic migrants arrive in Britain. Usually on RNLI lifeboats, a taxi service paid for by people who thought that they were rescuing sailors in distress. […]
Every day hordes of illegal economic migrants arrive in Britain. Usually on RNLI lifeboats, a taxi service paid for by people who thought that they were rescuing sailors in distress. […]
The science here is now irrefutable. A team of top scientist writing in the British Medical Journal have done a meta analysis of all the data available globally on how […]
Sir David Amess was murdered by being repeatedly stabbed on 15 October. At the time he was holding a constituency surgery. Doing his best to help and to care for […]
Liz Truss was born in 1975, in Oxford, into a hard left wing family. As a child they took her to street protests. Many who started life with this disadvantage […]
Entertainers such as soccer players often now take the knee before their performances. But they are taking the knee for a vile, violent Communist political movement that has killed a […]
Socialism is a disease on humanity that has brought harm to every single person on this planet. It is a set of ideas that has killed more than 100 million […]
The British police have, famously, become Stasi like during the lockdown. With petty enforcement that goes well beyond the actual law. One thing they are especially keen to stop is […]
Nearly three million people have now become ill with CV19 and approaching 200,000 of them have died with it (not of it). So scientists are beginning to understand it. And […]
The lockdowns currently imposed on us are far more damaging, in every way, than COVID-19 itself is. What our governments have done can be compared with amputating a leg to […]
The two top epidemiological statistical teams working on Chinese Virus in the UK are Imperial/Ferguson and Oxford/Gupta. Imperial said that quarter of a million of us were going to die, […]
Chinese Virus, CORVID-19, was at first called “novel coronavirus”. Because nothing like it had been seen before. So we knew nothing about it. And we are still learning. What was […]
The Chinese Virus, COVID-19, is incredibly contagious, it is also remarkably mild. It is clear now that the vast majority of people who catch it don’t even know that they […]