Freemason paedophilia
Before we start it is important to point out that correlation does not imply causality. In Australia the annual shark bite and ice cream sales graphs follow very similar curves. […]
Before we start it is important to point out that correlation does not imply causality. In Australia the annual shark bite and ice cream sales graphs follow very similar curves. […]
We are all immigrants, or descendants of immigrants. Britain was under ice and snow till about 10,000 years ago, so all our “native” heritage has been created since then. The […]
ISIS have recently attracted attention by invading Iraq. The Western media and many online commentators have been describing them as al Qaeda, or as Syrian opposition fighters. They are neither […]
Firstly the executive summary: Trade unions have destroyed jobs, companies, whole industries. Their economic effect on Britain has been profound and disastrous. We are all far worse off because 0f […]
Just recently the BBC have been giving UKIP massive coverage, you would think that it is the second coming. Nigel Farage seems to be on every programme possible and […]
Margaret Thatcher was immensely popular, winning three consecutive General Elections with substantial majorities, despite making lots of hard decisions which upset entrenched vested interests. She made Britain a better place […]
Time after time Nigel Farage is saying that David Cameron reneged on his promise to have a referendum on the Lisbon treaty. UKIP even made the above video. This is […]
I found this on a discussion forum. Remove 8 zeros from the US national figures and show it as a household budget. • Annual family income: $21,700 • Money the […]
It all started on September 11 2001 when in audacious simultaneous raids the al Qaeda fundamentalist Islamic terrorist group killed nearly three thousand innocent people. Against this you would not […]
The BBC is what is known as a public service broadcaster and it is paid for by a hypothecated tax, the license fee. The principle behind this were laid down […]
Masonic handshake? Masonic handshake? This is interesting. Gaddafi makes regular spoken pronouncements, there was one yesterday, but hasn’t been seen in a very long time. So the reality is that […]
So Nick Clegg had blue paint thrown at him in Glasgow by an utter idiot, reported as allegedly being Stuart Rodger, who had filled an empty hen’s egg with the […]