Obesity is worse than COVID-19
The UK population is about 68 million people. Currently the government expect about 20,000 to die from Chinese Coronavirus. The vast majority of these will be people with existing serious […]
The UK population is about 68 million people. Currently the government expect about 20,000 to die from Chinese Coronavirus. The vast majority of these will be people with existing serious […]
Right now in the UK there are 460 CONFIRMED cases of Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID-19, for each of these there are several other (or even many) unconfirmed, mild or symptom free […]
The last week has been very useful for the planet in our governments’ policies and attitudes towards this disease and in our scientific and medical understanding . So let’s summarise […]
The world is committed to Zero Net Carbon by 2050. Your politicians have done this to you without consulting you or explaining what it means. In Scotland the date has […]
As the facts emerge from how this disease performs in our population there is good news and there is bad news. The disease is incredibly ageist. Nearly everyone it kills […]
Some people look at the number, 43,138, of confirmed cases and then at the number, 1,018, who have died and say that the death rate for this disease is 1 […]
For the first compilation of Greta memes click HERE. If you wrote it in a novel nobody would believe it. A clearly deranged and uneducated child who admits that she […]
Today’s totals 427 deaths, 669 completely recovered. Victims in 28 countries. The disease is no longer exponential, deaths were doubling every two days. But the daily number of deaths is […]
There are fake news stories circulating that CO2 levels in our atmosphere (remember these are just a tiny 400 parts per million) is dissolving in sea water to make acid, […]
Rowling says that she is a socialist, which isn’t a very good thing at all. Because socialism occupies the moral low ground, its two main foundations are the punishment of […]
2019-nCoV is the greatest threat humanity has faced for some time. Here’s why: The disease shows no symptoms for up to the first two weeks of infection. During this time […]
We are currently enjoying a warm period in our climate, caused by natural cycles in the activity of the sun and in the orbit of our planet. During the Roman […]