Chlorine Washed Chicken is Brilliant
Currently we eat chicken that is produced to EU food safety and hygiene regulations. (Just as they control most of our lives). So it sometimes contains Salmonella and sometimes Campylobacter […]
Currently we eat chicken that is produced to EU food safety and hygiene regulations. (Just as they control most of our lives). So it sometimes contains Salmonella and sometimes Campylobacter […]
There have been a number of partial extinctions of we humans within the written historical record. The Black Death of 1347-51 killed about a quarter of the Earth’s population. The […]
The climate on this planet has always had warm periods and cold periods, there is no “normal” temperature. Warm periods include the Minoan, the Roman, the Medieval and the Modern, […]
This blog accurately predicted that Meghan Windsor would cause a constitutional crisis and why she would do this (click HERE to see that article). Now it is happening. They say […]
At the recent general election the Conservatives won 365 seats and Labour won 203 seats. Which is a stunning defeat. However the reality is much, much worse for Labour. Farage’s […]
1) If Scotland joined the EU after Brexit and ScotRef2 then it would not be independent. It would be a vassal of the EU Empire, taking orders from foreigners in […]
A huge meteorite has landed right in the middle of this election campaign and most people have not noticed. Boris has abandoned his modified Theresa May deal with the EU […]
Just recently all the main news outlets (especially the BBC) carried the fake news story that 11,000 scientists were predicting climate change disaster. The prediction was just about as unscientific […]
Currently the worst disaster to befall the people of Great Britain is the Attlee government, which we are still massively suffering the effects of. Because of him we still don’t […]
The Remain campaign for the British EU referendum in 2016 was based on lies and Project Fear. Because if they had told the truth about remaining in the EU then […]
As we go into a General Election and have a ballot paper in front of us that will decide the future of our country like never before. It is worth […]
Nigel Farage is the most influential politician in recent British history. His UKIP party forced David Cameron to give us the EU referendum that allowed us to vote to leave […]