Proof: The EU Really is Shit
In June 2016 I wrote THIS (click to open) article explaining why we must leave the EU. Highpoints include: Net of receipts and payments the EU costs British taxpayers a […]
In June 2016 I wrote THIS (click to open) article explaining why we must leave the EU. Highpoints include: Net of receipts and payments the EU costs British taxpayers a […]
Latest updates from the BBC Reality Check service . Your best source for the TRUTH. Everyone knows that the BBC is totally impartial and can be totally trusted. All employment […]
Common Purpose is a secret society that runs courses in which senior managers are brainwashed into Cultural Marxism using NLP and advanced psychological methods. They then return to their jobs […]
It looks like the Conservative Party are refusing to form an electoral pact with Nigel Farage’s TBP. This is a tactical mistake that could let a EUphile, remainer coalition into […]
Boris is very obviously draining the Westminster/Islington swamp of Cultural Marxists and Quislings. Cabinet reshuffle. Goodbye Hammond and a few more who weren’t really Conservatives. In total Boris sacked 11 […]
It may be that I live in a social media and real world echo chamber. But the impression I get from many random conversations is that public opinion is aligning […]
Over the last few months the Conservative majority has dwindled away. Then with the utterly justified expulsion of 21 Quislings it became a minority government that cannot continue to govern. […]
We have got rid of Theresa May and are still celebrating. Her government was nannying, authoritarian, statist, dishonest and incompetent. A huge smear of excrement across the political life of […]
You are a carbon based life form. Everything that lives on planet earth is carbon based. This carbon is taken from what is known the carbon cycle. Carbon dioxide in […]
Theresa May has announced that she will resign on 7 June. Note that she has not resigned yet and, if we go by her consistent previous behaviour, she will seek […]