Why UKIP will succeed
Whatever happens in the EU referendum UKIP will go from strength to strength, it could well become one of the two major parties in Britain. This article explains how and […]
Whatever happens in the EU referendum UKIP will go from strength to strength, it could well become one of the two major parties in Britain. This article explains how and […]
Usually the left in Britain just want to destroy our economy with their grey, dystopian vision of regressive SJWism. This makes them both immoral and evil. But now they are […]
The Balfour declaration of 1917, as we were taught at school, promised a homeland to the Jews, and eventually resulted in this happening. The only country in the world defined […]
(Throughout the article click on highlighted text to see further analysis) The recent elections were very broad in their scope, 2 Parliamentary by-elections, London and Bristol Mayors, a huge swathe […]
It is amazing how so many people treat the NHS as if it is some religion to be worshiped, rather than the 3rd world quality consumer service that it is. […]
It is utterly amazing how often Labour politicians, lefties on the social media and the leftie media, such as the BBC, tell utter, complete, outrageous fabrications about Margaret Thatcher. The […]
Ken Livingstone is obnoxious, the sort of nasty champagne socialist who has caused immense damage to Great Britain. But this is no good reason to suspend him from the Labour […]
Just now the virtue signalling lefty press and the social media SJWs are indulging in an orgy of hypocrisy. They are disguising their bitter envy of people who are more […]
Free speech is the most important human right we have, without it we are just slaves. So it is an absolute, even when it offends and upsets others. Yet some […]
The Burqa is not an Islamic garment, it is not directly refereed to in the Koran or the main Islamic teachings. It is just a primitive tribal garment which has […]
We in the West are brought up and brainwashed to think that democracy is the best, the only form of government. So good, in fact, that we have spend much […]
This all goes back to the first day that cabinet ministers were allowed to voice their opinion on the EU referendum. Obviously a lot of people were hoping that the […]