Nutty feminists and their tampons
In ISIS held territories of the Middle East mass rape of girls and young women is the norm and they are sold as sex slaves in markets for the price […]
In ISIS held territories of the Middle East mass rape of girls and young women is the norm and they are sold as sex slaves in markets for the price […]
All government is bad. They always seek to extort money from citizens and they always seek to increase their own power over citizens. Countries with less government are, obviously, more […]
As you know political correctness is an authoritarian leftie construct to take away our rights and freedoms. To force us to conform to their dystopian world view. To make all […]
At your local bookshop or even online you will find something called a dictionary. This tells you what the meaning of words are. The left don’t understand this, instead they […]
Now we have banished the evil of socialism from Westminster for five (and probably ten) years there are some other very interesting democracy set pieces to look forwards to. London […]
Britain, like all Western countries, has a security problem and that problem can be described in one word. Islam. It is radicalised members of this faith who commit or try […]
In a way UKIP did vastly better in the election than the SNP. UKIP got 3,881,129 votes, 12.6% of the total, a 9.5% increase on 2010. SNP got 1,454,436 votes, 4.7% of the total, a 3.1% increase. Yet […]
Occasionally the human race experiences episodes of mass madness, when everyone behaves stupidly. The South Sea Bubble, the Dutch Tulipomania, the Salem Witch Hunt, the Jonestown suicides and the rise […]
In the 1992 general election, the opinion polls gave John Major’s Conservatives between 38% and 39% of the vote, about 1% behind the Labour Party. In the final results, the […]
They say that some people never learn. And that definitely seems to be the case here with this amazing correlation. The coal industry in Britain was trashed by two lefties, […]
Since Harold Wilson the Labour party have lost every general election when they had a left wing leader. It is not what the British people want. It is only with […]
It started back in September last year with the article “Why the Conservatives will win the 2015 General Election” written at a time when Labour had a 3 point opinion […]