Boris Johnson is a Socialist
Socialism is a disease on humanity that has brought harm to every single person on this planet. It is a set of ideas that has killed more than 100 million […]
Socialism is a disease on humanity that has brought harm to every single person on this planet. It is a set of ideas that has killed more than 100 million […]
The British police have, famously, become Stasi like during the lockdown. With petty enforcement that goes well beyond the actual law. One thing they are especially keen to stop is […]
Nearly three million people have now become ill with CV19 and approaching 200,000 of them have died with it (not of it). So scientists are beginning to understand it. And […]
The lockdowns currently imposed on us are far more damaging, in every way, than COVID-19 itself is. What our governments have done can be compared with amputating a leg to […]
The two top epidemiological statistical teams working on Chinese Virus in the UK are Imperial/Ferguson and Oxford/Gupta. Imperial said that quarter of a million of us were going to die, […]
Chinese Virus, CORVID-19, was at first called “novel coronavirus”. Because nothing like it had been seen before. So we knew nothing about it. And we are still learning. What was […]
The Chinese Virus, COVID-19, is incredibly contagious, it is also remarkably mild. It is clear now that the vast majority of people who catch it don’t even know that they […]
The UK population is about 68 million people. Currently the government expect about 20,000 to die from Chinese Coronavirus. The vast majority of these will be people with existing serious […]
Right now in the UK there are 460 CONFIRMED cases of Wuhan Coronavirus, COVID-19, for each of these there are several other (or even many) unconfirmed, mild or symptom free […]
The last week has been very useful for the planet in our governments’ policies and attitudes towards this disease and in our scientific and medical understanding . So let’s summarise […]
The world is committed to Zero Net Carbon by 2050. Your politicians have done this to you without consulting you or explaining what it means. In Scotland the date has […]
As the facts emerge from how this disease performs in our population there is good news and there is bad news. The disease is incredibly ageist. Nearly everyone it kills […]