Income taxes can and will drop to zero
Taxes on a company or and individual when they create wealth are pernicious and nowadays ultimately uncollectable. Tax on spending is far more equitable and far more efficient. The problem […]
Taxes on a company or and individual when they create wealth are pernicious and nowadays ultimately uncollectable. Tax on spending is far more equitable and far more efficient. The problem […]
It is a good time now, as we finish the year and look forwards to an imminent general election, to take stock. I believe that the Conservatives will win the […]
Firstly let me make it clear that the proposed Mansion Tax has no effect whatsoever on me. Our greatest ever Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, famously said: “The problem with socialism […]
The economy of the USA is suffering from one of its biggest bouts of the evils of socialism in history. Despite this it is forging ahead, creating jobs, growing its […]
Labour have a big problem with the low quality of their MPs, largely trade union plants, when it comes to selecting a shadow cabinet. Also they have female only shortlist […]
One of the insults that the left throw at the Conservative party is that they are “Tory Toffs” or that they all went to Eton or that they are all […]
North Korea has a despotic, feudal monarchy, the House of Kim. They are global pariahs and so the West tries to encapsulate and isolate them. The North Korean conduct continuous […]
The head of state of the United Kingdom is passed down through the German Windsor ( formerly Saxe-Coburg and Gotha ) family. There are many reasons why this should not […]
Over the years Russia and it’s people have been subject to some incredible horrors, Czarist pogroms, Napoleon’s invasion, WW1, The Russian revolution, the barbarity of Communism, gulags and mass murder, […]
The NHS is one of the World’s largest organisations, with 1,163,568 staff in England and a health budget here that last year was £110 thousand million.  There are also the separately […]
Last night (10/12/2014) Alex Salmond was interviewed by the ineffectual Kirsty Wark on Newsnight. When asked about the price of oil dropping from his prediction of $150 a barrel to […]
Some people (far too many) have their housing rental paid for by other people (the taxpayer). In many cases these people are squatting on rooms that they don’t need. This […]