Who on earth would ever vote Labour?
History has taught us, repeatedly, that voting Labour is always a form of self harm. Like shooting yourself in the foot with a 12 bore shotgun or like turkeys voting […]
History has taught us, repeatedly, that voting Labour is always a form of self harm. Like shooting yourself in the foot with a 12 bore shotgun or like turkeys voting […]
This is an immense failing of all shades of government. In the London area a family home that costs around £100,000 to build now sells for a million pounds and […]
Firstly in House of Commons politics this will have zero effect. Mark Reckless will be wearing a different badge in the House but he will be thinking and acting the […]
Earlier I wrote an article about how the press and politicians use the word Troll completely out of its true meaning and that real internet Trolls are a good thing. […]
The EU tells us: “According to conservative estimates, over 79 000 adults, including 19 000 non-smokers, died in the EU in 2002 due to exposure to tobacco smoke at home […]
This is not my first blog. Bruce on Games started in August 2007 and has had 1,879,220 user sessions, Bruce on Shaving started in July 2010 and has had 642,548 user sessions. […]
Modern Israel was a present from the British Government to European Jewry in thanks for their help in bankrolling WW1. As is obvious from the Balfour Declaration of 1917: Foreign […]
We all know that Zionism is an evil political creed which is very similar to Nazism. At its centre is European colonialists travelling to Palestine to steal the land and […]
In Britain we have what is called a representative democracy, where each and every voter has a specific MP to look after their interests. Voting is in a simple first […]
The European Union is in the news a great deal these days, so it is time to bring some order to proceedings. Overall my views are very ambiguous. My wife […]
Looking at the raw data of opinion polls is very interesting. YouGov are especially impressive. They tell us that LibDem support has collapsed, that UKIP has about twice their support […]
The United Kingdom child sexual abuse panel inquiry is an overarching investigation into a series of cases in the United Kingdom concerning allegations of historic child sex abuse within government […]