There is NO Scientific Consensus on MMGW
In 2010 William R. L. Anderegg and others published an academic paper on anthropogenic climate change (ACC) that stated: “ 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the […]
In 2010 William R. L. Anderegg and others published an academic paper on anthropogenic climate change (ACC) that stated: “ 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the […]
When you see good propaganda you don’t recognise it as such, otherwise it wouldn’t work. Likewise you don’t know when you are being brainwashed because if you did you wouldn’t […]
The current wave of ignorant climate hysteria is built on lies. The 2005 film An Inconvenient Truth gave the game away when NOTHING that it predicted came true. There have […]
The biggest environmental threat to our planet and the future of humanity is the clothes you wear. Quite simply our governments should have made synthetic clothing illegal years ago. In […]
Our huge problem in the UK is that the BBC provides more than 50% of all news reach. It is frighteningly powerful.The BBC is not neutral, it has its own […]
Greta is a victim of those in the deep state who manipulate and use her. She is just a tool of the NWO globalists. And she freely admits to having […]
Most people, including some MPs, who should know better, think that all our law is made in Parliament. It isn’t. Most of the law in Britain is made by judges. […]
In June 2016 I wrote THIS (click to open) article explaining why we must leave the EU. Highpoints include: Net of receipts and payments the EU costs British taxpayers a […]
Latest updates from the BBC Reality Check service . Your best source for the TRUTH. Everyone knows that the BBC is totally impartial and can be totally trusted. All employment […]
Common Purpose is a secret society that runs courses in which senior managers are brainwashed into Cultural Marxism using NLP and advanced psychological methods. They then return to their jobs […]
It looks like the Conservative Party are refusing to form an electoral pact with Nigel Farage’s TBP. This is a tactical mistake that could let a EUphile, remainer coalition into […]
Boris is very obviously draining the Westminster/Islington swamp of Cultural Marxists and Quislings. Cabinet reshuffle. Goodbye Hammond and a few more who weren’t really Conservatives. In total Boris sacked 11 […]