Income taxes can and will drop to zero
Taxes on a company or and individual when they create wealth are pernicious and nowadays ultimately uncollectable. Tax on spending is far more equitable and far more efficient. The problem […]
Taxes on a company or and individual when they create wealth are pernicious and nowadays ultimately uncollectable. Tax on spending is far more equitable and far more efficient. The problem […]
Let’s start with a brilliant video featuring Arthur Laffer, one of the world’s very best Economists. Although it is about the USA, the lessons learned can be applied to any […]
One huge problem that the Chancellor has is that virtually all his policies presume the UK to be one homogeneous economy. That Drumchapel, Easterhouse and the Gorbals are just like […]
To understand this article you have to understand two concepts. The first is the Laffer Curve. If a government increases a tax rate from a low level it will collect […]
History has taught us, repeatedly, that voting Labour is always a form of self harm. Like shooting yourself in the foot with a 12 bore shotgun or like turkeys voting […]
Firstly in House of Commons politics this will have zero effect. Mark Reckless will be wearing a different badge in the House but he will be thinking and acting the […]
In Britain we have what is called a representative democracy, where each and every voter has a specific MP to look after their interests. Voting is in a simple first […]
In my industry, which is video games, large numbers of technical staff (who UK taxpayers had paid to educate) left to work in Canada and pay their taxes there. This […]
There are some people who by enterprise, risk taking, investment and hard work generate wealth. There are others who are lazy, feckless and uneducated and therefore poor. It is socialist […]
If you average out the opinion polls on voting intention the Labour Party are consistently around 3% ahead of the Conservative party. Not only that, the Labour Party have two […]
The Conservative party tries a bit to create and spread memes on the social media. But they could do a whole lot better. So I thought I would collect a […]
Just recently the BBC have been giving UKIP massive coverage, you would think that it is the second coming. Nigel Farage seems to be on every programme possible and […]