Boris Johnson is a Socialist
Socialism is a disease on humanity that has brought harm to every single person on this planet. It is a set of ideas that has killed more than 100 million […]
Socialism is a disease on humanity that has brought harm to every single person on this planet. It is a set of ideas that has killed more than 100 million […]
The above image illustrates exactly what is happening in the Western education system. Generations are being brainwashed into Communism. But they are not told that it is Communism, socialism maybe. […]
Socialism occupies the moral low ground in every way. They expropriate what successful people have worked for. Socialism is based on all people being equally poor, with everything possible being […]
Here are 10 very obvious and very straightforward “rules” that, were they observed, would make society a whole lot better for everyone. This is just a quick first draft, so […]
In many countries of the world these days people are finding that they have become dead, without any due legal process, because they are inconvenient to the state. Turkey, Egypt […]
Just when all the political classes normally take their annual two month break they are having exactly what they don’t want. A leadership contest. All ballots must be returned by […]
Whatever happens in the EU referendum UKIP will go from strength to strength, it could well become one of the two major parties in Britain. This article explains how and […]
Usually the left in Britain just want to destroy our economy with their grey, dystopian vision of regressive SJWism. This makes them both immoral and evil. But now they are […]
I have already, in an earlier article, explained how Attlee continued wartime rationing for more than 6 years after WW2 ended, starving the British people. Not only that, he made […]
Look at the graph above. It says that a large number of people in this country want to punish successful people out of pure spite and envy. They want to […]
Socialism is not the natural way for human beings to organise our society. Division of labour and markets have been improving our lives for many thousands of years now and […]
History has taught us, repeatedly, that voting Labour is always a form of self harm. Like shooting yourself in the foot with a 12 bore shotgun or like turkeys voting […]